Marine Option


Marine Option

FEXFew can be Marines, Even Fewer can lead them. Marine Officers lead elite men and women in an expeditionary and austere environment in a multitude of different military occupations. The Marine Corps offers opportunities to fly jets or helicopters or lead Marines in ground or sea based operations. We develop young officers to make high level decisions in difficult decisions that will take care of Marines and accomplish strategic missions. Do you have what it takes?

As a Marine-Option at Iowa State University NROTC, students choose a major and complete the required Naval Science classes taught by NROTC Staff, attend lab, participate in drill, conduct physical fitness, and prepare for Officer Candidates School (OCS).

During the summer of junior year, a Marine-Option will attend a six-week OCS. Upon completion of OCS and graduating with a bachelor’s degree, a Marine-Option will commission as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Marine Corps.

Officer Candidate School (OCS) Preparation

Besides weekly unit PT (physical training), Marine Options will participate in a FEX (Field Exercise) in the Fall and Bulldog Prep in the Spring in preparation for OCS. They will also learn all the basic skills required at OCS through classroom instruction and practical application. The FEX and Bulldog Prep are designed to teach Marine Option midshipmen basic skills and introduce them to the chaotic and stressful environment of OCS.

Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP)

MECEP students at Iowa State set the example for Midshipmen to follow. They are incorporated into the NROTC battalion and serve as instructors during events like the Field Exercise and Bulldog Prep. More information regarding the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program can be found here. “Iowa State provides a comfortable environment that allows you to focus on the main goal of becoming a Marine Officer.” -SSgt Justin Machacek

Semper Fi Society

Membership is granted to any prospective Marine Corps Officer; including NROTC, PLC, MECEPs, and ISU students. Focuses on professional development as a company grade officer in the Fleet Marine Force. Includes rifle and pistol practice with Izaak Walton League, PME (Professional Military Education) classes, and building unit cohesion. Meets about once per month and works fund raisers like ISU football games.